Photo: London Sky, 2010- by robin-oil on gallery wrapped canvas
I adore the UK. This is one of the tributes I created in honor of London. I have been to England a few times and cannot seem to get enough. I will be going again soon. Can you hear/see the excitment in my font?
The painting above is for sale. It is 24″ X 30″. If you are interested please email me. Other available ART is at the link below.
Happy Thursday! Yesterday I was alone all day. I worked on projects, read, exercised…and ate junk food. Another successful Wednesday.
Being alone all day plays with your psychological health. I did not see one human. Wait, I did see a person as they drove down the street when I was getting the mail. They did not wave.
When you are alone, you have no one to share opinions with.
I was furious when the Cowboys football player updated his “contract” and will get 90 million dollars. What??? That is hardly even a real number to me. I know school teachers in inter-city Memphis who are in desperate need of supplies. Minnies Food Pantry here in Plano is in need almost every day….oh my. I could go on and on. I hope Mr Elliott makes huge donations.
Photo: my current book
The book I am reading is kind of interesting. Rather odd and has the ability to hold my attention. Sometimes all you need is an odd, easy to read novel. Right?
Today has become busy. I am missing Book Club and a visit with a friend. Busy is good! {esp on a Thursday!}
It is Wednesday, but feels like it is Thursday. This week is dragging and it is going to be 100 degrees tomorrow. It is a long, hot week. {yes, and I am still bitching about the heat}
Larry is in Baltimore for a few days. The house is very quiet. I believe that I miss Libby Pug Dog more when I am alone than any other time. Lauren and Jami are always suggesting that we rescue a senior pup. I just cannot.
My days are busy when Larry is gone. Exercise, reading and projects that take hours of non interrupted concentration. Larry distracts me in the most wonderful of ways.
Today the project is ….for a favorite cousin in PA. She is expecting her third child in December and usually reads Blog. Its ok, she can catch a single glimpse of the gift-to-be.
I have made a quilt for each of her children. Now number three, child AND quilt. I am honored.
Photo: The beginnings of a quilt
The beginning of a quilt is like a blank canvas…and once you start the quilt, it has a personality of its own. Finishing a quilt is the best….adding a binding that will become part of somones life.
When Larry is out of town, I focus on being productive instead of busy.
This summer has lasted absolutly forever. It seems like the 100 degree days are going to continue into October. I am ready Autumn!
Photo: In The Dining Room
Yesterday, after walking my miles and before dinner, we were in the house, avoiding the heat. I looked around at the nest I have created…
Our dining room blinds are closed to keep the heat out, like an old Southern Cottage. All I need is a box of chocolates and a good book. Then I will look like the crazy lady who sits in the dark house fanning herself , reading and eating bon-bons.
Photo: View from the work table.
When I look to my right while sitting at my work table, the window is filled with my bottles. They are Wheaton, bitters bottles. I have been collecting for about 40 years. They are one of the contstants in my life that bring the light and color to the day. I love them very much and today they are bright and shining, almost saying Happy Tuesday!
Photo: The new project
Since I am soon finished Larry’s new scarf, I have chosen a pattern to make me a scarf! My new winter coat is hanging in the guest room closet {GAP had a sale} and I will make a new scarf. The pattern is sweet and I will decide on the color when I am at the yarn shop. My coat is black wool and the yarn shop is in McKinney Texas. Sounds like a plan?
Yesterday, Labor Day, Larry cooked our dinner out on the grill. {i do not have a photo!} We watched the news while we ate. The news is bad these days and my heart breaks for so many. My prayers are inclusive and full. If you are in harms way please know that you are being thought of.
Yesterday I spent the morning in Ft Worth. The Kimbell Museum of ART is soon going to say good bye to the beloved Monet exhibit. I needed more time with some of my favorite paintings.
Photo: Monet~Japanese Bridge
After the museum, my lunch was at Chef Point Restaurant where I had the delightful salmon and grilled veggies. {have you seen the restaurant on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives?}
The cottage is a cluttered mess today. I have finished the holiday cards and must pack them for France. {where I will mail them from la poste} The cards are finished! I am happy!
Photo: Holiday card clutter
The ironing board is up and ready for work. I have cut out a dress and my fingers are itching to start work.
Photo: Dress pattern and pin cushion
I will have time to work on the dress this weekend. Larry has a hundred restaurants in Florida and will be busy the next few days. Hurricane Dorian will be hitting the FLA shores sometime early next week? Who really knows? Larry coordinates everything having to do with the restaurants and the supplier he works for. {he loves his job} I will sew during the storm.
Good news! The orchid that I bought at Whole Foods a couple of months ago is re-blooming!!
Photo:Orchid re-blooming
My life is very much like an orchid. Beauty {happiness} for a short amount of time and then it becomes bland or bleak as time is needed to renew the spirit of the plant by letting it rest. Then, as a new shoot emerges from the boring foliage, hope reigns. The hope and promise that good days are ahead. Orchid analogies are always wonderful, aren’t they?
I must admit, recently I have felt invisible. My family is awesome, but outsiders and friends have made me aware. Is this what happens when you turn 65? Do we become less relevant as we become older? How important is our opinion?
Perhaps like the orchid, better days are ahead?
This is the last weekend, of August. Have a great Labor Day!
It is hot again today in Dallas. I am getting agitated by the heat and lack of energy. So, I am dressing to go on an excursion. Not far, but something that inspires me and makes me happy.
I will leave you with one of my favorite photos from the Atlanta trip last week.
Photo: Atlanta Arboretum
Please do me a favor? Today do something that makes you smile. SMILE.
It rained during the night and I did not sleep. I read the book on my Kindle and bought a new novel for when I finish the current book. The sun is out now. The dining room is a-glare with sun coming through the windows.
Photo: The odd dress
This past weekend, I had to go to the fabric shop. I accidently found this odd pattern. It is so odd, that I love it. The black fabric has gold, raised dots. I love that too. I will make the dress in all of the same fabric and with sleeves. It will be perfect for traveling. {imagine France, the dress, and with black tights and ballet flats. Perfection}
Photo: The beginning of my Halloween costume
The reason I went to the fabric store was to buy a pattern for my Halloween costume. Above is the pattern for my costume. Can you tell by that, what I will be dessed as?
Photo: View into the kitchen
I left the dish washer door open. Lately,I have been forgetting to empty it when it is clean, but if I leave the door open, It is impossible to forget.
Today is my friend Rosemary’s birthday. I am wishing her Happy Birthday here, on blog, because this is how we met.
Many years ago, one day, while online, she came across Robin Toujours. She realized that we have lived parallel lives. {it is uncanny how many things coincide} I do not know how long she read the blog before she met me on FaceBook…but I am so happy that she did.
Rosemary is the relative that I always wished for. She is my sister and friend.
Photo: Lunch in Austin. Rosemary is in the middle
Dear Rosemary,
Happy Birthday! Larry and I send love and best wishes to you {and David-NTG} today. Your special day.
I wish you good health, lots of love, many special moments and many more years!
Larry and I love greeting cards so much that for a very long time we did not exchange them. {we did not like throwing them away} Then….one year I gave him a card. The one above. That was in 2005. He loved the card so much that we just kept re-signing it each year till it was full of notes.
I told him that I would buy a ribbon and add a card and we could treat it as one card. That is what we have done all of these years.
Photo: THE Anniversary card {card two}Photo: THE Anniversary card {card three}
At our anniversary dinner this year, after reading all of the sweet messages, Larry announced that THE Anniversary card was full. Again. I agreed that it was full and to be honest, I hated thinking about finding number four card to be inserted in the anniversary card. But then, Larry said it. Lets use Aggies card!
In the mail on our anniversary, there was the BEST card from Aggie. {Aggie is Mothers first cousin}
Aggie always remembers us. She is a prolific card sender/letter writer. I adore her so much and her communications always make me smile and feel family.
Below is Aggies anniversary card …and now it is part of THE Anniversary card. I love it!
Photo: THE Anniversary card. Aggies card makes number four.
It is becoming our anniversary mini book. The notes to each other span quite a few years. It always makes me happy. Now it will be put away till next August.
Aggie, thank you for the wonderful card and now being part of the tradition. Your card fit perfectly into the ribbon.
Next year, Larry and I celebrate year 43. I love him so much. Why is time going by so fast?
Then on Sunday. We had chores to do, visited Jamison and took her dogs to the dog park. It was the best day…
Sunday dinner and a movie conisisted of….Jimmy Johns Frenchie sandwiches. I had made pizza dough but did not feel like making the pizzas. So Frenchies! Larry aggreed.
Photo: Sunday Dinner and a Movie
Photo: Sunday movie
We had sandwiches, chips and watched HOUSE BOAT. I love that movie so much, we own it. To love and be loved……
I hope that your weekend was nice. Oh yes, now it is good old Monday….frown face. {Laundry is swirling} Please have a good Monday. I am trying too.