Life, Love & Friendship

Larry and I go away to France every year in November. He works hard and going away to a place where no one can call him with a “work” problem is the best place for him to relax.

Last October, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The next week, a tree came through our roof. After my cancer surgery, pending treatment and house repairs…..Larry and I decided to postpone our 2019 French holiday till March 18th, 2020. TODAY.

About 2 weeks ago, we decided to postpone again because my immune system is not 100% and the health of the world hangs in the balance.

Larry postponed our airfare, and all reservations in France. THEN he made reservations at our favorite French Bistro in Dallas. He said, if I cannot take you to Paris, I will take you to the Bistro. Yesterday the Bistro called. They are closed now.

Both Larry and I are fine with everything that has happened and what is yet to happen. I have been blessed beyond belief and God has us in his hand. I am not sure why things are happening like they are, but I know that soon, all will be fine and lessons learned will live in our hearts.

Below is one of my alltime favorite shots from Paris. I took the image is 2006. One night I could not sleep…and woke Larry up. I said get dressed, lets go for a walk. It was raining and cold.

Photo: by robin~2006

I am not in Paris, going to a store or visiting friends, but it is really ok. I am content and happy. Life, love and friendship will continue if we just have faith.

Hold on to your dreams. Stay honest & kind and everything will be fine.

Love you beyond the moon.


Top ‘O The Morning!

Happy St Patrick’s Day to you all.

Photo: Libby and her favorite beer. Photo by robin

Happy Tuesday! We have made it to Tuesday! How wonderful is that?

I have been working on projects non-stop and reading. There are a few great movies that I am going to re-watch and I will be taking a walk every day…but here at the Cottage.

***I will be taking a break from most social media for now. The selfish negativity is making some people look amazingly ignorant. I have been spending to much time looking at the opinions of people who are not relevant in my life.

A friend, who is battling cancer, texted me last night. Her words were generous and thoughtful. She has been very ill and I respect her tenacity. In her note last night, she offered prayers for everyone to stay healthy and safe. Of course she said it in a more elegant tone….but her unselfishness touched me to the core.

It will be a busy morning at The Cottage. I am setting up a new You Tube channel….and that is a mess trying to figure out, Larry is on conference calls all day because of the quarantine. I have one painting to finish and material to make sun-dresses for the beach!

Happy St Patrick’s Day! I hope that you stay happy and healthy.

May all, Dr’s and Nurses be blessed with health and safe moments as they continue to fight the unknown virus….They are in my prayers.

Love you BEYOND the moon.


The Bird Feeder

There is a lovely couple who sits in front of us at church. We have known them for many years. I found out that Gary likes to work with wood, so I asked him a favor.

This year, Camp Robi’s theme is BIRDS. We are going to do many bird actives, including make bird feeders. I needed Gary to help me make a pattern/prototype for a small bird feeder with a licence plate roof, that at Camp Robi, Matilda and I will assemble and paint. {she will be learning the state birds also, thus the licence}

Yesterday, our church decided not to have services, but there was a meeting being held there so Larry and I went to meet Gary and see the bird feeder.

Photo: Bird feeder for Camp Robi

Gary did a spectacular job! I have the feeder pieces, and will make the pattern from them. I am so excited.

Because of the Covid 19 virus, life is not normal right now. Watching the news makes me anxious…but….that will not help anyone. So I am trying to keep things as normal as ever. This morning, I will have my teeth cleaned. The office called us on Friday to remind us of the appointments, so I am dressed and ready to go. Larry is too. I am trying to be mindful, positive and keep our life as close to normal as we can manage.

Speaking of normal……

Yesterday we enjoyed Sunday dinner and movie. It was my day to decide what to eat and watch. We had Tea and watched Big Business for our entertainment.

Photo: Sunday dinner and movie

We had butternut squash soup, sandwiches {turkey, pimento cheese and cucumber} Dessert was berry crumble and white chocolate chip scones. Tea: Earl Grey and wine: Champagne.

Photo: High tea
Photo: Savory
Photo: Champagne
Photo: Dessert: Berry crumble and white chocolate scones
Photo: Sunday’s movie

I had forgotten how funny this movie is. Larry laughed out loud and dinner was a success.

Have a nice day…..I send my love to everyone as they struggle with the new way of life. Lets try to stay positive and everything will be ok.

Love you beyond the moon.


Now, On To Real Life

OK. We are all anxious and frightened about the COVID-19 virus. Personally, I am and I bet you are too.

Instead of whining about it, I plan to be positive. Check on older neighbors and donate food/time/energy, where it is needed. Focus on the positive and ignore the idiotic.

With social media as it is, we have the ability to “be close ” to people but not ever see them. We have the ability to check on all of our friends and neighbors by text or email, buy things and have them delivered. Easy.

I will also be blocking social media friends who are truly upsetting me with their ridiculous posts. I just completed cancer surgery and treatment, I do not need to see your anxiety attacks.


Now on to real life……

The donation quilt top is complete! It is off to the photographer today! I am selling raffle tickets at record speed and we would LOVE more people to walk with Team Believe on May 16, 2020. If you are interested in being part of Team Believe, please email me at [email protected]

PHOTO: Dream The Dream~ Twin size Quilt by Robin Tolbert

The above picture is awful! I took it when I finished the quilt top. Excitement overcame me. Today a photographer will do it justice before it is sent out for a few weeks for finishing touches.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the Team Believe walk on May 16….or the quilt.

Love you beyond the moon.


Mid Morning Movies

Photo: Komen Quilt- Dream The Dream in progress.

I will soon be finishing the Komen Raffle Quilt. It is titled, “Dream The Dream”…..please go to link below if you are interested in a raffle ticket. {and click on Donate Only.}

While I work in my studio or work-room, I like some sort of noise. when I paint, I listen to music. When I sew or knit, I have Netflix on. Most often I watch documentaries, but this week, while working on the quilt, I have watched a few movies.

On Monday, the most interesting movie was on. It is called, Change In The Air.

Photo: Mondays movie

I worked on the Komen quilt and was mesmerized with this movie at the same time! I’m not sure if it made me happy or sad. I did love the characters and the actors who played them. I told Larry about the movie at dinner. He said it “sounded” interesting but is not interested in seeing it. {PS: I liked it}

I have been watching movies all week as I work. It gives me a guilty feeling. Usually I turn TV off at 7 am and don’t watch it again all day. Watching mid-morning movies is not normal for me……wait till you hear about Tuesday and Wednesdays movies!

Love you beyond the moon.


AS The Story Goes

My Mother, her older sister and parents lived outside of Pittsburgh, PA. As the story goes……… Her mother went to Pittsburgh for important business and shopping. {i never knew what the important business was} The sisters {in their early teens} were bored. They did chores, read, sewed on projects and this is how my mother told the story:

“During the day, after all the chores were done, I remembered seeing a recipe in the newspaper. It was for a simple pound cake. While Sis {that is what she called her sister} made dinner, I made dessert. We did this to surprise Mother and she WAS surprised.”

Back to today……We grew up enjoying this pound cake but I must have been 30 years old when Mother gave me the recipe. She gave me the recipe, written in my Grandmothers handwriting from years earlier. Larry had it framed for me. It is a treasure indeed.

Yesterday, all I wanted to do was bake Mothers pound cake. Using the cast iron loaf pan that my cousin Pamela sent me, the pound cake turned out beautifully, decorated it with home made butter cream icing. Larry and I made strawberry shortcake with the pound cake. It is a treasure indeed.

Photo: Pound cake just out of the oven
Photo: Mother’s pound cake
Photo: Pound cake with butter cream icing
Photo: The best short cake is always made out of pound cake

Old family stories, old family recipes….treasures

Love you beyond the moon,


The Only Compromise

I am sixty five years old and have a compromised immune system. I go to my DR visits. I wash my hands often and try to be aware of sneezing, coughing and my body temp. Larry and I take pretty good care of ourselves.

Larry and I were to leave on March 18th, 2020 for Paris. We have postponed the trip because I do not want to be “stuck” {quarantined} somewhere that is not home.

That is the only compromise that I will make.

Seeing people {esp on social media} panic, when they have no reason to is ridiculous. The hoarding of toilet paper and sanitizer is greed and selfishness in its worst form.

I worry about the seniors in our community. The older persons on government incomes who have no food to spare, let alone Purell for their hands or extra toilet paper.

Today Larry and I will be taking a few donations to the local food pantry. Perhaps it is time to think about someone else instead of ourselves….

Love you beyond the moon.


Moments Of Normality

My normal has changed and it is pissing me off. {excuse my French} We hear so much about someones “New Normal” … are they joking?

A new normal can be anything from changing the brand of laundry detergent I use, to moving to another state. In this case it is fighting a disease and how it changes my every day life.

My Larry works every day to help me a create a normal that is workable for the both of us. The little {and big} things that he does are kind and thoughtful. I don’t think that I can ever thank him enough for what he has done these past months for me.

On Saturday, he took me grocery shopping. We bought just regular things and were surprised to see how people have become selfish with the threat of CONVID 19 virus. I say that…but wonder if perhaps I should have bought a bunch of Purell and Lysol? Well, I did not buy that stuff.

But…Larry bought me a new dress and a pair of gold earrings. What is it about a new dress and a pair of earrings that has the ability to make us feel pretty and special? I have not felt like that in 6 months.

Then, yesterday, on Sunday, we went on a picnic and to a concert. We had a picnic in front of the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, Texas, on a table that I covered with the autograph table cloth.

Photo: Champagne picnic
Photo: Picnic: baguette sandwiches, potato salad, cheese, fruit and champagne.

It was a lovely evening. We talked, laughed and planned for the future

Photo: Picnic Champagne

Our good friends, Rosemary and David sent us Champagne this holiday. de Venoge. We drank their gift over the holidays and liked it so much, we try to keep a bottle on hand for picnics. Yesterday we drank a Rosemary and David Champagne. It was perfection.

We had time for dessert before the concert…

Photo: Fruit Tart

To be completely honest, I hated the picnic being over. I felt good! Larry looked so handsome and we had the best time. Being with Larry like that, fills me with love.

We went inside for the concert….oh yes. Harry Connick. It felt like a dream..wait! Maybe it was all the Champagne we drank?

Photo: Nice seats, my favorite jazz and Harry Connick.

Harry Connick sang Cole Porter. It was as if we were transported to a different time and place. Wait! Maybe it was all the Champagne we drank?

Photo: The best Jazz man. Harry Connick

Of course I invited Mr Connick to picnic with us but he was busy with sound checks and things like that….besides,

Larry and I were just enjoying our moments…..and feeling normal.

Love you beyond a Champagne picnic.


Life Is A Puzzle

I had not been to Book Club in a very long time. I was invited to yesterday’s gathering, even though I had not read this months book. It was awesome/wonderful seeing so many of the ladies. They are all well educated, interesting, traveled and kind. Books chosen in this group are not the run of the mill “Oprah” picks, but are thoughtful and sometimes non-fiction type of reality, the kind that hits you in the face with a strong topic.

Yesterday, the group discussed EDUCATED.

Photo: Book Club book for yesterday was EDUCATED

I had not read the book. The discussion was very interesting and sad at times. I had questions, as an observer. Lynne asked me if I would like her copy. Of course I said, thank you, yes. I started it last night. Have you read it?

On to other news…

The dining room table is still cluttered with a puzzle. I cannot go to bed until I have found at least 6 pieces. I usually find the pieces early in the morning when the light is good. The dining room is on the East side of the house.

Photo: The window/door puzzle in the morning sun.

It is a difficult puzzle. Larry being color-blind finds it nearly impossible….but the windows and doors are so charming. I love it.

Photo: window and door puzzle. 1,000 pieces

When I am sitting working on the puzzle, this is what I see…’

Photo: At the top of the puzzle, a face looks back at me….

I try not to measure my days by the puzzle but it is hard. I found this online,

Photo: Thank you I LOVE this.

I wish you happy puzzles and a happy Friday.

Love you beyond the border pieces.


Wait For Me

Photo: Dog topiary at the Atlanta Arboretum 2019

In April, Libby, my pug dog will have been gone for 3 years. I miss her daily, and confess that sometimes, I even talk to her portrait.

I read a quote yesterday, that said, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France.

Larry and I have had a few dogs over the years. Different sizes and shapes. Not one of them was a kindred spirit to me, till Libby-Girl.

This is my subject today, because for the past three years, my daughters have been sending information about rescue dogs that they have found. Found for me to adopt and bring home.

I told them: Libby is waiting for me. When I see her again, I will be able to tell her that I have been waiting for her too. And I am waiting. I am crying, just typing this, I miss her so much.

I envy people who can adopt a dog so soon after losing a beloved companion. They are able to fill that sad void.

We have all lost a pet. A beloved member of our family and we all deal with the situation in a different way.

Me? For now, I am just waiting.

Love you beyond the moon.
