Larry and I go away to France every year in November. He works hard and going away to a place where no one can call him with a “work” problem is the best place for him to relax.
Last October, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The next week, a tree came through our roof. After my cancer surgery, pending treatment and house repairs…..Larry and I decided to postpone our 2019 French holiday till March 18th, 2020. TODAY.
About 2 weeks ago, we decided to postpone again because my immune system is not 100% and the health of the world hangs in the balance.
Larry postponed our airfare, and all reservations in France. THEN he made reservations at our favorite French Bistro in Dallas. He said, if I cannot take you to Paris, I will take you to the Bistro. Yesterday the Bistro called. They are closed now.
Both Larry and I are fine with everything that has happened and what is yet to happen. I have been blessed beyond belief and God has us in his hand. I am not sure why things are happening like they are, but I know that soon, all will be fine and lessons learned will live in our hearts.
Below is one of my alltime favorite shots from Paris. I took the image is 2006. One night I could not sleep…and woke Larry up. I said get dressed, lets go for a walk. It was raining and cold.

I am not in Paris, going to a store or visiting friends, but it is really ok. I am content and happy. Life, love and friendship will continue if we just have faith.
Hold on to your dreams. Stay honest & kind and everything will be fine.
Love you beyond the moon.