I am sitting at my work table, knitting a cute top for Christmas parties. It is still early and I am waiting for COSTCO to open.Today I must buy Champagne, a standing rib roast,a rotisserie chicken, salad and fruit. A few of these things are for holiday gatherings. While sitting here, I ordered all of the photos from our holiday.{401 of them!}I found one shot that I had forgotten about….and it still makes me smile.
Photo: Paris France 2018
It was early one afternoon,and we were up in the hills of Montmarte. Larry loves Montmarte…. but I find it uninspired and sad how some people try to cash in on the reputations of others. {ARTists} Then, I saw this creative face, high on the side of a building. Eyes closed, facing the heavens and I fell in love…is it Angel? Human? Is it a blank face that we can imagine our face on? Just when I was grumpy and not enjoying Montmarte… ART was sent to me in the form of line, color{less} form and joy. Someday I will learn and try to enjoy every second of every day even when I am grumpy. You never know what joy you will find around the next corner…
Morning has always been my favorite time of day. I am not sure why I wanted to stay in bed today and every day for the past week. Today was easy to understand. It is raining. It is the gentle kind of rain where I just wanted to stay in bed, listen to the news and cuddle with Larry.
Photo: The Tuesday rain
I stood in the kitchen and looked out onto the patio…and it reminded me of my Mother. Did she like days like this? I cannot remember.
Photo: The new little orchid
The mini pink orchid is the cheeriest thing in the kitchen today.
The Komen, Dream A Dream quilt is quilted. I am putting the French borders on it today. and it will be complete by 5:00 this afternoon.
Photo: Perfect quilting
This quilt means very much to me. Personal moments spent putting the top together and watching it become a complete piece. It is exciting to know that it will become ART belonging someone else….
My devotional this morning was by Stanley Jones. It read: “Be so preoccupied with good will, that you haven’t room for ill will.”
Dear ones, I am keeping busy. I am ignoring ridiculousness on social media and focusing on today, tomorrow and how I can make the moments better. Larry and I are quite alone. He is the most wonderful person I know, so it makes being together ok. I miss my friends. Texts, and emails are dwindling as we all struggle to manage these strange days. I worry about my dear friends. Please know that my thoughts are with you……
It is time to work on the quilt. I am excited and happy to finish it….tomorrow, I will share with you what happens next.
Yesterday. Larry and I left The Cottage very early and drove to the country. We stopped at the dairy for goodies (ice cream) and went on to our granddaughter, Matilda’s house.
We had made a date to take a walk before Larry’s day started. We social distanced, gave them their goodies from the dairy and left for a “country walk”…..it was a beautiful morning.
Photo: View during a country walk. Photo from my phone.
We walked for about 55 min and five miles. It was glorious and went much to fast.
We came home. Larry had about 5 calls and conference calls planned and I had a meeting planned with my Book Club.
Book Club was awesome. I loved seeing the smiling faces that I respect and care for so much. Our meeting was held on a ZOOM conference call.
Photo: Book Club~ as seen during a ZOOM call.
We discussed this meetings great book and visited a wee bit. The time with Book Club went by very fast too.
Before I knew it, it was time to get the full moon picnic ready. But, it was very windy as the storms prepared to come through. Larry and I decided to picnic inside. We went to Chuys, where they had our order ready and brought it home.
Photo: Picnic goodies.
We picnicked in bed…and watched TV. It was rather fun and we chatted a lot. The clouds were so thick, we never did see the moon. I was disappointed
Here is the puzzle that Larry and I have been working on. There are TWO pieces left to place….and neither one of us want to be the one to finish the puzzle. …..remember when we were small, and the last of anything was marked by saying, if you eat the last piece, you will be an old maid. If you were last at anything, you would be an old maid (it came from the Old Maid card game that we played as children) …. Larry better finish that puzzle today. I would like to put it away and have the dining room table back in service again.
Please remember to keep smiling. Things seem so confusing right now, but soon it will be ok, even if it is a “new” normal.
Taking deep breaths and being kind, make it possible to be happy when the day is done. (From my experience, no one wants to hear complaining and opinions.) I send you my love and wishes for the best day possible! Keep smiling.
I am off to the country (about one hour North of The Cottage). When I am there, I will take a long walk with Matilda and Lauren. But before I go, I went out on the patio….and look what is blooming. The small Lily of the Nile day lilies. They made me smile. Perhaps they will make you smile too.
Photos: On the patio this morning
I wish you many smiles and loveliness today. Please try to be kind, you never know what someone is going through.
A friend texted me last night and wanted to know how I managed on yesterdays “to do list”…. I suggested that she read today’s blog! (Hi Sandy! We love you)
I did straighten my studio up a bit, I wrote ONE of the five letters I owe and I got off a lot of the dipping powder nails that my salon puts on me. I read a few chapters of my book and the best of all…I chatted with my friend in the UK. We have known each other since 2006 and met through our photography. Meet Zach.
Photo: Chatting with Zach
I must admit that our visit made my day. Zach is an ARTist in every sense of the word and he is kind. Have you ever noticed that the most sensitive people are the best ARTists?
Personal note: Dear Zach. Thank you so much for the lovely visit. I cannot tell you how much it brightened my day. I cannot wait to visit with you and Andy in London, Manchester, Paris. Whatever is most convenient. Sending much love, Pastel, AKA Robin.
So many of my medical issues have ruined my hair and nails. I stopped dying my hair 2 years ago and now it is a nice natural gray. My nails are awful. They chip, break and split. Since my first BC, I have been having my nails done every couple of weeks. It is a wonderful quiet time and my nails always looks pretty and they are functioning.
I cannot remember when my nails were done last..but I had chippy ends of the dipping powder nail on each nail. I looked up how to remove the dipping powder on YouTube. So that is what I did. Look…
Photo: Taking off Nex Gen nails
I decided to watch The Maury Show while I did this. The show kept me distracted. And…it worked. All of the Nex Gen is off of my nails. I will not have a manicure and pedicure for another few weeks…so my thin nails will have to do. (My Nails salon is opening on Friday, but I have decided to wait a few weeks before I brave the confines of the salon.)
I would like to thank you all for listening to me these weeks. I wish that somehow I could listen to you. Life is so different. Staying happy and positive is not always easy. Please know, that there is something positive in every day…even if it is taking old nails off!
Photo: Chatting with Zach
Thanks you Zach and Andy, you helped make my day yesterday very, very special.
Yesterday was funny (peticuliar). I walked almost 3 miles, at the lake, on the most beautiful morning that I can imagine… but my mind keep wandering .
I have a few projects to complete. My studio is a mess and I owe about 5 letters. REAL letters. I want to try to get my dipping powder nails off (How on earth do I do that???) and SKYPE with my friend Zach from Manchester, UK. (AND, I really need to clean out my closet, finish my book for Book Club and try a cookie recipe that was recently given to me) The list goes on and on.
That was yesterdays list and it is today’s list too. Procrastination is my middle name and fatigue is my excuse! Oh yes, you can laugh.
Photo: Robin and Larry at Shipwrecks Beach
This photo was taken last May (2019) while we were at the beach. We had such a good trip and made special memories. Hopefully we will be going to the beach soon…I will design a sun dress or two, (I made the dress that I am wearing in the photo) must get books, make a schedule and plan the trip…I guess these things will go on “Today’s List”……
Having goals is important. It gives me a focus for today and a positive vibe for the future.
With masks on and hand sanitizer in my purse, Larry and I got up early and went to the garden center. We usually are at the beach this time of year and wait till we come home to plant the three huge pots on the back patio. Since all trips have been cancelled till August (if we are able to go to London then) we decided to buy plants now.
We arrived at the garden center before it was busy and found the plants that we were looking for. It was wonderful being outside among all of the exotic plants…but my mask drove me crazy. It kept fogging up my glasses. It was worth it though.
When we came home, we planted the pots. Larry did most of the heavy lifting and planting this year, but thats ok….Look…
Photo: Plants, Dwarf Nile lilies, Double bloom pink begonias and creeping Jenny
I am desperate to find something for the swan. It will be another week before I go to the garden center again.
Yesterday, I fell sound asleep watching a movie. Larry gently woke me up and he was holding a large, beautiful planter! He said: This planter is from Lew and Debbie next door. I was in awe. It is so beautiful but why? It isn’t mine or Larry’s birthday….The card said: Thank you for everything that you do. (we truly don’t do anything. Maybe share a dinner once and awhile. We just have awesome neighbors)
Photo: Huge, beautiful planter from Debbie and Lew
Yes, Larry will move it to a cooler place when he starts the grill….but isn’t it beautiful? I think that these new mini petunias are a favorite of mine now.
The patio looks wonderful. I think that my reading hour will be out at the patio table today.
How thankful I am to have such amazing people in our lives. Thank you Debbie and Lew. You are wonderful neighbors!
Laundry is swirling, I have walked my laps at the lake and now, even though I have quite a few chores to do, I am dying to grab my kindle and head to the back patio…..perhaps later. Wink.
Love you beyond the moon. (Full Moon is on Thursday!)
Yesterday, we were invited to the country {The Miller House} to have a social-distance ART Hour with Matilda. Matilda had organized the butterfly garden so we could paint. It looked amazing. It was comfortable and her dad , Josh even made us breakfast. It was a lively/lovely morning.
It started to rain when we were driving up to the country and was drizzling when we arrived at ART Hour.
Larry helped Lauren weed the Butterfly Garden….and found a new friend…..
Photo: Toad and Larry
Matilda and I stayed far from each other, no hugs. It was difficult at times keeping a distance. I want to hug her so badly but was thankful that we had real time together. I have heard rumblings that every Saturday morning, we will have ART Hour and save all of our creations for a Gallery show when quarantine is over.
Photo: Matilda : Quarantine Art Saturday
Please don’t misunderstand me. I am thankful for my remission, I am thankful for Larry and my family….but each day is difficult for me. I told Larry this morning, if I am feeling like this, my friends have to be feeling anxious , unhappy sad and frustrated too. Do you have any tips to help any of us lift our spirits?
Photo: Painting by robin. Titled: During The Storm-acrylic on canvas-16X24″
Even my ART is doom and gloom….but in a good way…right? Go on, laugh.
Matilda and I are NOT painting next Saturday. That is all I will say. No hints yet, but I am looking forward to it very much.
I am sending much love. If you are feeling down, remember so many of us are feeling the same way. This cannot last forever. Stay strong. XOX