It is 70 degrees outside and raining, on June 22nd! in Texas! (Unheard of) It feels perfect outside.
Photo: Monday morning rain
Today is day one of Camp Robi. We leave to pick up my favorite girl, Matilda, soon and The Cottage is ready.
Yesterday, she sent something special for camp…..
Photo: Camp Robi Mail box
She had made a Fathers Day Mail box with mail in it for Larry. Then she sent it to the cottage, to use for camp mail. I believe she has mail in it already!
Yesterday, fathers day was wonderful. I am married to the best father in the world….Larry is on vacation this week. (for Camp. He is a good sport too)
The large patch of jasmine in front of the house needed trimmed. Larry will not let me do it and the patch is filled with poison ivy, that he is extremely allergic to.
Yesterday, was the day, he trimmed the patch, put his equipment away and comes into the laundry room, where he strips down and puts the clothes into the washer. From there, he goes straight to the shower and gets any poison ivy off of him. I start the washer. It is a well timed process to keep him rash free.
He came running into my work room after his shower, almost in a panic. He had left his coin in the pocket of his pants. The LOVE COIN. The love coin is a sweet thing. It is sterling silver and he carries it everywhere he goes. I gave it to him about 11 years ago and it has had a few close calls. (being lost,etc) I love how he loves it.
Don’t you hate when you do that? Forget something and almost lose it? The panic is indescribable.
Yesterday was a good day. I got things done and enjoyed myself in the process.
I have been walking. A lot. Larry is my coach and he does not let me get out of anything. I promise that I try. He walks with me each day and we walk 3.5 miles 5 times a week.
I do not weigh myself any longer. I take one vitamin D and have a yogurt each morning. (My endocrinologists’ breakfast suggestion)
Yesterday, after all our exercise and chores were complete, we went to the garden center. The plants were amazing and I picked out a few things for the back garden.
Photo: In the back garden
The fire pit is ready for Camp Robi (cooking out hot dogs and s’mores) and the sitting area is the perfect place to cool off after an almost 4 mile walk. Look at the wonderful plants!
I would like to thank everyone who has shared their favorite Camp Songs with me….they are on the camp list. Imagine us singing them around the fire pit!
Photo: Two bikers passing without warning on the path. (after they passed us, I said very loudly, ON THE LEFT)…they got over as they passed the woman and her sweet dog.
Larry and I walk 3-4 miles 5 times a week at a park very near our house. Since COVID-19, we have many more bikers than normal on the walking/ riding path.
The problem is, these new-be bikers, have no bike etiquette. (they should say in a loud voice…ON THE LEFT and if they have a bell, ring it as they pass) There have been times, when a walker/jogger stepped in front of a biker that they cannot hear nor see, an accident occurs and injuries are always part of the equation. (the last injury was a broken leg to the walker. There was a death on the Katy Trail a few years ago, where the biker hit a young woman. She received a brain injury and never regained consciousness)
In the past month, there have been a few close calls, for Larry. He walks on my left as we walk counter clock-wise. I would say two out of ten bike riders warn us of their approach. I took the above photo yesterday where TWO bikers sped past us, very close to Larry with no warning.
Here is the big question. If there is an accident, who’s insurance covers the damage/injuries?
I just walked 3.5 miles and made it home in one piece. Lets all stay healthy and safe today.
After I walked my laps and came home, I honestly meant to blog. I have a pet peeve to share and I even got a photo of the problem this morning while walking.
BUT, I fell into the rabbit hole known as ETSY vintage patterns and did not escape till moments ago after I completed my purchase.
Darn. Sorry to burden you with my pattern/fabric addiction but I am sharing the pattern with you. I am going to make the dress and little jacket for winter events. Fabric yet to be decided.
Thanks for listening. I guess I should get busy with my day.
If you read the blog yesterday, I talked about “the red chairs”….we found them! Who is ready to come over for hot dogs and s’mores by the fire pit? Camp begins next Monday.
It is early Monday morning right now. I have walked 3 1/2 miles, laundry is swirling and I am making the camp Robi schedule. I have the calendar, and patches in front of me but I need help with one of the activities.
Photo: 2020 Patch for Camp Robi
I honestly don’t know why I got this patch. I do not sing nor do I know any campfire songs. PLEASE if you have a favorite camp song share it with us. we will be singing by the fire pit….nightly I guess! (If I do not hear from anyone, I will have to watch the movie, MEATBALLS for ideas!) Please write soon. XOX
There are seven days till Camp starts. I have schedules to make and dinners to plan. Activities will be different because Matilda is almost 9 years old now and her interests have changed.
Photo: Camp Rules-Oil on canvas by Larry and Robin
Matilda is a sweetheart. Spending a week with her is always a joy.
Because we have not gone anywhere in one year, Larry is taking a vacation week during camp! I am so excited. He and Matilda have a special relationship and having the week off, he can give her undivided attention.
It is Sunday morning. Larry and I are doing chores around The Cottage and he is out in the garden , watering, spending time in the Zen Garden weeding and just being Larry.
Our church has You Tube Services now. It isn’t very personal…but there is one sweet lady from church who texts me and checks up on us. Her name is Ginger and she is much like her name. Her kindness means the world to me.
I shall say bye on this quiet Sunday Morning. Home Depot has red garden chairs for around the fire pit and don’t you think that they would be perfect for Camp Robi?
I remember the summer that I had a major growth spurt. We had just moved to a new city. I did not know anyone and my family was distracted with settling into a new house. I felt out of place in a new city and in my body too.
I felt like a flamingo that summer. Tall, gangley and out of place in just about every situation.
The city we moved to, was near my Grandmothers house. As we became settled, my Grandmother called and asked me to lunch. Not my Mother or my sisters, but me. (me! Out of place Robin! Alone without my sisters! I was excited)
The day I had lunch with Grandmother, I remember feeling comfortable. I felt in charge of my long legs and although I had my manners turned on high, (my grandmother was a great lady) I was beginning to finally feel like a real person. Do you think that is an adolescent thing or a “girl” thing?
I think of my Grandmother a lot these days. Now that I am a grandmother, her impact on me is memorable and wonderful.