Simple And Beautiful

Yesterday…Larry got his photos back from Camp Robi. I fell in love with one of the shots instantly and took a phone photo of it.

On the last day of camp, I gave Matilda make-up. It was just simple, girly items and she loved it. She put a little make-up on and we had a photo shoot. My favorite shot was the one below, that Larry took.

There is something simple and beautiful about the photo…

Love you beyond the moon.


Yoga and Sewing

I had so many plans for this summer. I am getting a few things done, but cannot help but feel like I need to start moving faster!

Today, in honor of keeping moving, this is my yoga pose. Easy and focused……try it?


Yesterday I cut out a dress/jumper. It only has 4 pieces and have never made this pattern before. It is adorable and love the company that I bought it from. The fabric is left over from another project. I like dots very much.

The sizing is a bit different but will make adjustments and hopefully have a sweet summer dress to wear.

Yoga and sewing…what a wonderful day.

Love you beyond the moon.


Sunday Dinner and Health Updates

First, I would like to thank everyone for the sweet comments, emails, texts and calls about Jami and Jared. They are still in their apartment, very ill with covid-19. I would like to share with you a photo that Jami sent to us. It is a photo of Jared preparing Jamison’s shots.

The Covid-19 frightens me and I hate it. I want to be first in line for the vaccine. Please stay safe and healthy.


On Sunday, while I was preparing Sunday Dinner, Larry gave me a gift. He said: This was on your Christmas list last holiday. 2019, I thought that I would give it to you today. It was the sweetest, thoughtful gift he could give to me that day.

Larry set the table on Sunday. He is amazing and sets a wonderful table.

The move of the day was…..

We saw Knives Out at the theater, but it was even better this past Sunday.

As I close the blog today, please know how much you mean to me. You know who you are and you always seem to be by my side when I need you most.

Love you beyond the moon.


Thank A Police Officer

Our weekend was….OK. That is about all I can say.

Larry and I are behaving but I miss going to the movies, the Symphony and eating out wherever I want to.

It is worth quarantining and staying safe. You see, our daughter, Jamison and her husband Jared both have Covid-19. He is a Dallas Police Officer and first responder. He makes bad things right. He is who we call when there is no one else to call. He contracted Covid-19 at work. He brought it home to Jami. Jami has underlying health issues that is making this difficult for her, they are both struggling. The ER sent them home. They were told not to watch the news, but to rest, take their meds, drink water and have someone check on them every few hours. If there is no response, we have been instructed to call 911. This made me cry.

When I see people post about defunding police, I wonder if they know exactly what that would mean to our communities. Jared contracted Covid-19 arresting a bad guy and you know what? He would do it again in a heart-beat.

As I sit here, not allowed to be near my daughter and son in law as they maneuver their life with this virus, my prayers are for them and for everyone suffering during this time.

Being strong right now is an interesting proposition. I keep telling myself that TODAY is what what I will make it.

Please have a happy day. Try to stay positive and thank a police officer,.

Jamison, if you are reading blog today, please know that your father and I send love to both you and Jared. Stay strong, we love you.


Letting Go and Moving On

Have you ever trolled social media late at night and found people that you knew long ago? And read things that they wrote, mean things, about you? Things that are not true and you want to scream WHAT?

I could not sleep one night this week. It was then I found a few recent entries from the same person, about me and my daughters. It made me sad that this person had not moved on with their life.

It has been a very long spring and summer. Larry and I are snuggled in the cottage and we deal with things as they appear. I am so blessed to be going through this life with a man I adore, like Larry.

As you maneuver these days…Please stay positive and find the happy spot in your day. Life truly is amazing, people, kind people, are around us and blessings can be found around every corner.

Love you beyond the moon.


Another Exciting Day

The days are monotonous. I keep trying to think of exciting fun things to do with Larry but lets face it, every day is getting more difficult and I am not THAT creative.

Yesterday the excitement was…are you ready for it? A 6 month check up at the oncologist… My labs were done and Dr S came and chatted with me before my exam. I am in remission. YAY! He also wants me to have my thyroid checked out. BOO! I often wonder what exactly blood work shows a DR.

In the beginning of spring, Lauren gave us zinnia seeds. One Saturday morning, Larry and I planted them and today they are blooming. Larry waters them a lot and last night he brought me a treasure.

He has never brought me a garden bouquet before. It was so sweet. Larry, I love you.

I have my sewing machine out and finishing a top I started ages ago. The sound of the sewing machine is calming to me. I think that I will sew all week.

May your day be filled with calm moments…..

Love you beyond the moon.


Nutella Parfait~Chef Valentine


12 Oreo cookies, crumbled

1-8 ounce cream cheese softened

3/4 cup Nutella

1- 8 ounce container of Cool Whip thawed

1 teaspoon vanilla extract OR Amaretto

1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

1/2 cup almonds-toasted

4 Parfait cups-dishes or ramekins (I used wine glasses)


Divide Oreo crumbs between 4 parfait glasses. Mix, soft cream cheese and 3/4 cup Nutella together. Spoon over Oreo crumbs in parfait glasses. Cover with saran wrap and refrigerate for a few hours.

Mix Cool Whip and vanilla (or Amaretto) well. Spoon on top of Nutella mixture. Sprinkle with mini chips and almonds.

Larry gave this 5 out of 5 stars. (it was amazing)

Please let me know if you had success and loved it.

Till next time.


Sunday Dinner and Movie

We had Dinner and a movie on Sunday. I planned it last week and Larry chose the movie. It was a wonderful project for us, maybe we can be more consistent about Sunday dinners now that I am feeling better.

Larry set the table! And We enjoyed the process of making dinner as much as we enjoyed the meal.

MENU: Hot Artichoke dip and chips, broccoli salad, pork tenderloin medallions and Nutella parfaits for dessert. White wine was Storyteller and the movie was Love In The Time Of Cholera. (have you seen this movie? Have you read the book? Both are perfection.)

Photo: Wonderful summer meal

Tomorrow, Chef Valentine will share her Nutella Parfait recipe. Get your printer ready! It is easy, fast and super delicious.

Love you beyond the moon.


Not A Fluke

It was the best weekend. Being the 4th of July was just icing on the cake.

I exercised, cooked, took Larry to the Arboretum, talked to friends and family in France, had Sunday, dinner and a movie, painted and tried to stay calm and creative during this interesting time.

I have been walking my miles at the lake. It has been difficult this spring, but now it feels like I might have just made it to the next level. This morning, I felt ready and made my quota before a storm came in. I feel happy and hope that this new found energy is not a fluke.

Please stay healthy and happy right now…..Tomorrow, Sunday Dinner and Movie updates!

Love you beyond the moon.


Fathers Day in July

Yesterday I stole Larry away for a quiet celebration. We went to the Dallas Arboretum for tea, where we celebrated a late Fathers day.

Of course he spent Fathers day, two weeks ago with his daughters. He loves them both so much and their relationships are wonderful.

But…I had a gift for him and wanted to give it to him some-place special.

Photo:Larry and his gift

I gave him a painting. Suzi, one of my favorite people and ARTist, painted it for me, well, for him. The subject has personal significance to us. He loved the painting. Thank you Suzi for going out of your way for Larry’s gift.

We also had Champagne tea, talked a lot and enjoyed the quiet moments of being almost the only people at the Dallas Arboretum.

Larry, you are the best father I have ever known…it’s amazing isn’t it, with our history of Fathers? I like to think that we learned from our parents, what we were NOT supposed to do as parents.

Happy Fathers Day Larry. You are my best friend, a wonderful Father and the nicest person I know. I am thankful that you are in my life…

Love you beyond the moon.
