I worried about the blog today. I have almost nothing good that I can share about yesterday.
The day was filled with STUFF. I sat at Medical City Dallas for hours while my daughter Jami had appointments. Watching people at the hospital is not as fun as it used to be. The masks hide so much!
Driving home, we hit heavy traffic where a left lane ends and merges into the right lane. We were in the right lane. the truck in the left lane wanted to speed in front of us but did not make it and honked for about 15 seconds at us. He then put his window down and yelled at us. Really yelled, nasty things.
I took a photo of the truck. The truck number and licence have been cropped out of the picture. I was so sad that my favorite Amazon had a driver who did that. We decided not to report it. Maybe he was just having a bad day?

We had to go to Willow Bend Mall to pick up a few things I had ordered for the weekend…..then I went and bought new sandals! We are booked for Kaua’i after the new year, so I am getting ready now. That’s the one good thing from yesterday.
We stopped at the Kroger to pick up milk. On the way home, there was a man walking on the sidewalk. The truck in front of us stopped, NO BLINKER. I guess to pick him up. She pulled over to the side of the road and as we passed her, she came charging out of her truck, yelling at us! …”Get the f*** off my tail”…I guess that she was having a bad day too….because we did not do anything wrong and Larry thinks that she was fighting with the man on the sidewalk.(We just drove away not confronting the crazy woman)
People are getting frustrated and angry. I have to remember to not let anyone bait me and to stay calm. It is hard because I am tired. Just tired.

I looked at Blue (Buddha) today…and remembered the day Larry bought him for me. Staying Zen is important right now. Staying calm and giving the other person the benefit of the doubt is best. Life is crazy out there…
Love you beyond the moon.