Beyond The Pigeon

Photo: Groucho Bird in Paris

This is one of my all-time favorite Paris shots.

There is one focal point,

but with a dozen other things happening around it.

{the weather, the traffic, the Eiffel}

Just like in life.

Yesterday, My Larry and I were talking about that.

We tend to notice the main thing about people,

but honestly, let other “friend” things slide.

{we  never know what things someone is going through}

It upsets me, thinking that maybe a  friend needed  me,

and I never noticed that they were sad, mad, upset or just tired.

I promise to pay attention better,

but you are always welcome to send me an SOS.

There are times when I need a friend too….

so I understand.

It is time to look past the pigeon and notice the world around him.

Love you beyond the moon.


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