A Wrinkled Tablecloth

Sunday, dinner and a movie was also Super Bowl Sunday.

We talked about football food, but because we were NOT watching the game, we decided that we would have “comfort food” instead of junk.

Photo: I did not feel like ironing the tablecloth yesterday….

Sunday menu was, meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans. Larry made his mashed potatoes and they are the absolute BEST!

Photo: Comfort food

I made an apple tart for dessert. The recipe will be on BLOG later in the week.

We chose the Sunday movie last week. It is on Amazon prime and Netflix. It started out slow, but the second half of the movie was wonderful.

Photo: Sunday Movie

I loved this movie. I cried when it ended.

Have a doable Monday. Please try to smile and share you heart. Things are frustrating right now, but they WILL get better. I promise.

Love you.


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