Photo: Matilda’s Doll House
When Matilda was here last week, she put the pug costume head on her doll house. I just do not have the heart to take it off. It makes me smile everytime I see it.
Yesterday while I waited for the AC repairman to come, I worked in my studio. It was very warm with the AC not working, so I turned on my fan and a Netflix movie and worked on a new dress that I was making.
Photo: Pattern and dress in progress
The dress is almost complete. I have enjoyed working with this batik fabric.
I watched this movie on Netflix….it was the perfect movie to have on while sewing.
It is a sweet movie, with a nice story of love and family. Sometimes I need reminded of certain things. Certain GOOD things. It is easy to find the sad/bad in things. The amazing thing is, that along with the unhappy things, are blessings that we might never notice.
I wish you a day filled with many blessings.
Love you beeyond the moon.