I don’t know how long I have been reading this book. It is a book on my Kindle and I would pick it up when I was tired but rested, so I would not fall asleep while reading. The characters were my friends and traveled with me during this last breast cancer fight. I cannot tell you how sad I am that the book is finished.
It was 628 of the most wonderful pages, that took me away during a most difficult time. Have you read it? {September, written by Rosamunde Pilcher, was published in 2013}

What are YOU reading? I love getting titles.
Yesterday, after finishing my book, I was sad. Larry came home from work and insisted that we get out of the house. We had to pick up a few things from Target and then he said to me, that I needed some spice in my life. He took me to…..

Yes, well you guessed it. Le Creuset. Everything in that blasted store tempts me….but Larry bought me…..

Charming red mills. I needed to replace what we have been using for years….and added a bit of spice into my life at the same time.
“True love can be like salt and pepper, a little sprinkle goes a long way…..
Love you beyond the moon.
Robin: I love Rosamunde Pilcher and have read all her books. “September” was my first & favorite. Have you read anything by Ann Patchett ? I love all her books, especially “Bel Canto”, for some reason that one stuck with me a long while.