I went back in time yesterday! Do you remember when I carried a gnome around with me all the time? Before Gnome, I carried a Kewpie, these were props for my FlickR photos. I stopped after awhile, because it was not so original any more.
I once I videoed “Word Of The Day”…very often. Then I discovered that someone close to me, decided to follow my design and format for the words. I told her that I saw it. She has vanished from my life. (I think that she was embarrassed)
Being the original YOU is a gift that you can give the people around you. They can thrive in your spirit and trust you. How can anyone enjoy or trust you if you are a copy cat?
Being creative, gives me the best feeling in the world. All people are creative in some way. The gift is there, in you to discover and use. What will you create today?
Love you beyond the moon and stars.