I have been having trouble with my eyes.
Painting and hand work has been at a minimum.
It seems I have the start of a small cataract problem.
But today, I will be getting new lenses
for my glasses and sun glasses.
Yay! Yay and Yay.
Perhaps things will be in perspective again.
Pun intended.
My eyes are something that I take for granted,
until they start acting up.
Do you know that I can knit, in the dark or with my eyes closed?
That is why I have been knitting a lot lately.
{it has not bothered my eyes to knit.}
But….I think that today…..I will paint. Watercolor.
And you? Is there something you have been putting off
that you might like to try again?
I would LOVE to hear about it.
This morning, I have so much to say,
about bad manners .
But I am trying to behave.
I promised myself that I would behave.
Life is like that eye chart….
We need to keep everything in perspective,
read the letters correctly
and move on.
Love you beyond the moon.
PS: I am still behaving.
Sometimes it’s not any fun to behave! Wishing you a day of creativity ?
I hate when my eyes act up; I am very much a visual person.