I had not been to Book Club in a very long time. I was invited to yesterday’s gathering, even though I had not read this months book. It was awesome/wonderful seeing so many of the ladies. They are all well educated, interesting, traveled and kind. Books chosen in this group are not the run of the mill “Oprah” picks, but are thoughtful and sometimes non-fiction type of reality, the kind that hits you in the face with a strong topic.
Yesterday, the group discussed EDUCATED.

I had not read the book. The discussion was very interesting and sad at times. I had questions, as an observer. Lynne asked me if I would like her copy. Of course I said, thank you, yes. I started it last night. Have you read it?
On to other news…
The dining room table is still cluttered with a puzzle. I cannot go to bed until I have found at least 6 pieces. I usually find the pieces early in the morning when the light is good. The dining room is on the East side of the house.

It is a difficult puzzle. Larry being color-blind finds it nearly impossible….but the windows and doors are so charming. I love it.

When I am sitting working on the puzzle, this is what I see…’

I try not to measure my days by the puzzle but it is hard. I found this online,

I wish you happy puzzles and a happy Friday.
Love you beyond the border pieces.
Robin: I finished this same puzzle earlier in the winter! Last year I did a similar one of all windows and another of antique doorknobs. The fascination all started with my first puzzle which was antique house numbers. I have all 4 of these puzzles glued and framed in my front door entryway.
I just finished, glued, and framed antique vegetable & fruit seed catalogs from the Smithsonian and they are both in my kitchen. I also finished and glued “The Garden of Good & Evil” triptych (very hard and I almost gave up). This one is very dark and I am not going to hang it. We saw the original at the Prada Museum in Madrid last year. I love looking at it.
Needless to say, I am obsessed! I am now working on puzzles for each of the 4 seasons, puzzles from Cobble Hill that I bought on Amazon. These will be framed and hung in our home office. I am just working on Autumn and the other 3 seasons are safely in their boxes.
So, a love of flat nose dogs and now puzzles!!!! What else will we discover that we have in common?