Whatever You Do

Yesterday was a beautiful day. I baked blueberry muffins early, to put in the freezer. Of course I taste tested one of them and they were very bland. I asked Larry to try a taste and he said that they tasted fine. I had forgotten that I still cannot taste or smell. It is very frustrating.

Photo: The tasteless blueberry muffins

The muffins are all packaged and in the freezer. I am not very excited about them now. I cannot taste them at all.

Yesterday afternoon, we had a tiny visitor in the front entry. He let me get very close and was smiling at me. I do not touch or pick up lizards, but they are cute and are very good for the garden.

Photo: The Happy lizard

At least hthe lizard does not try to sell me insurance.

Last night after dinner we watched a show on Amazon Prime. The Unforgotten. It is very good. It is a mystery and well acted. Here is the link to information on the show. We recommend it.


Enjoy today, whatever you do.

Love you beyond the moon.


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