Lets Talk About Social Media

A few years ago, I closed up my social media. Facebook and Instagram were deleted for at least six months. I had been hacked and wanted to start with a clean slate. After so much time off from checking the accounts often during the day, I was ready to create new accounts and did just that. Asking friends to return friendship was a priority for me. But…something unexpected happened.

A few of my dearest friends ignored my request for friendship. Three friends to be exact. To this day, these dear friends are not part of my life. They are ghosting me. There are days when I miss their random texts to me with a joke or family news, meeting for dinner when in town or just a wonderful afternoon phone call. I have reached out to each of them to no avail.

The wonderful part is, I have learned to live without them. Larry in his infinite wisdom, said: you cannot make people like you, care about you OR want any contact with you. Lori, Karen and Rosemary are still in my daily prayers.

I was thinking that perhaps after breast cancer #2, I was to clingy? It was such a difficult time for me. I can WHAT IF all day but, life goes on.

Larry also said: People will treat you the way they feel about you.

I’ve been dying to post something about social media and non friends. It is out of my system. FINALLY!

Thank you for listening.

Love you beyond the moon.


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