The Unselfish Moon

I was cuddled under a blanket last evening, working on a Christmas gift when Larry said, come out back for a moment. I really hated getting out from under the warm, cozy afghan but Larry’s suggestions always intrigue me.

I put on my slippers and followed him onto the back patio.

He said: Look at that moon.

Photo: November, 29, 2020 moon.

It was sooooo worth getting up to see the sky. This shot was taken as the moon rose in the East sky.

Larry kissed me and we went inside. Seeing the moon last night, has stayed with me, till even now.

I found this quote…and thought, how utterly unselfish.

“And if you are to love, love as the moon loves. It does not steal the night, it only unveils the beauty of the dark”

Here is to letting the people and world around us shine in their original beauty.

Love you beyond the moon and stars.


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