Q & A

Oh my goodness! I loved all of your comments yesterday. Your thoughtful words made me smile. Merci beaucoup. After reading all of your comments, I thought, if I invited each of you who commented to a dinner party, you would get along so well. Perhaps I should start planning something?

About a journal. Yesterday, I took pictures after so many texts, mails and comments. Please, never hesitate to ask me anything!

Photo: This is my journal. The Wave. design

My journal has a refill. I won this journal winning a game of chess. It is by Oberon.


Photo: Inside the journal.

Inside the journal, I glue things, above are place cards that Matilda made when we had a dinner at The Cottage for her parents. The fortunes were from our dinner the night before at PF Changs.

Photo: My journal is a mess. but it is MY mess!
Photo: These are my journal markers.

My daughter Lauren got me hooked on these particular markers. I only use these and I travel with them also, so I can journal far away from home. {if you journal far away from home, don’t forget a glue stick. I am always gluing things in my journal}

Photo: My favorite brand
Photo: My agenda/planner by Oberon Designs

The planner above is where I keep everything. EVERYTHING. The Mont Blanc pen {above} was a gift from Larry last year while in France.

Photo: The inside of my agenda.

The above photo is the inside of my planner with…”The Pen” …..this is the scary pen. It has a real sapphire in it. I have had it for many years but has had only one refill. I do not use it often.

Have I answered all the questions? Wait! Just one more….Bobbie ……Of course I will share the oatmeal recipe with you. I have a secret part to the recipe but what the heck!!!! I will try to post it for you tomorrow…

Have a happy, happy Friday.

Love you beyond all Oberon Designs
