
As I prepare for 2018, I reflect on this past year.

It was great and awful

and  is ending on a funky note.

photo: I bring a leaf home from France each year. This year, I brought two.

So much kindness has been shown to Larry and I this year,

it takes my breath away.

I have ALWAYS said:

People treat you the way they feel about you.

Thank you for that.

You know who you are, who have touched our hearts

We are better people for knowing you.

As I think about this….

to the people who have been

rude, snide, argumentative and  disrespectful.

I forgive you.

I am sorry that you have such a hard heart….

I really have nothing to say to you, sorry.

Ready for a confession?

I have been resisting these donuts for 24 hours.

Stand back….I am headed to the kitchen right now….

Love you for taking the time to read my words.
