Three Textures

I am home again.

Is it my age or am I that person who loves going away just to have that special feeling of coming home again? Is that why I love Carol King’s song HOME AGAIN so very much?

My Larry and I were in Austin. Austin is a very special city. We check into our hotel. Larry works and then we walk to one of my favorite restaurants and meet friends.

But now, we are home again.

It is very early this Sunday morning. {6:00am} I have a committee meeting at 8 {for church} at Starbucks. Then Larry and I will go to Sunday School and church. The afternoon is planned and no. No football is included this Sunday.

I am just happy to be home.

Photo: Shot from Austin. I love the three textures in this photo. We were walking to dinner. It was the end if the day. Perfection

Love you.


Dinner In Austin

On Thursday, My Larry and I got up very early and drove to San Antonio. He had meetings and I had my knitting. After his meetings, Instead of staying in San Antonio, we drove back to Austin where we checked into our favorite little hotel.

Sweet, wonderful, Larry. He said that if I kept him company on the trip, he would take me to dinner at my favorite restaurant in Austin for dinner

That is exactly what we did. Our hotel is a few blocks from the restaurant. It is a nice walk in downtown Austin, Texas to and from dinner.

Photo:Dinner in Austin

Are you ready for a brand new year? I think that I am,

Have a happy, wonderful day….it is Sunday dinner and movie day!

Love you,
