Just Dinner Together

Yesterday was another gloomy day. I tried to create a new rice pudding recipe for the Crock pot. FAIL! Because of the milk/rice/starch ratio. I tried to work on the oil painting. FAIL! Because of the bad lighting in my work room.

I rested all afternoon. {and knitted while I watched TV}

Last evening, around sunset, we went to dinner with the executive chef for one of Larry’s clients. It is always fun to go to dinner with Chefs. They have so much knowledge. It is VERY unlike visiting with someone who thinks that they are a chef/foodie, just because they like to eat.

Photo: Sunset in Plano

We picked Chef Raul up at his hotel and drove the short distance to our favorite Italian restaurant. Traffic was crazy, the streets were wet and dinner? Dinner was delicious.

Raul is in town to perfect a new menu for the restaurant. I loved hearing about process, and ingredients. It was like talking to an ARTist about a new creation.

Photo: Larry and Chef Raul

It was not a late evening. Everyone was tired. Dinner was perfect and the conversation was lively. How does a medium ARTist be inspired by a Food ARTist like Chef Raul? Just have dinner together.

What inspires you?

Love you beyond the moon.
