Simple Moments


I organized  plans/lists  for Christmas gifts.

I will be making everyone’s gifts again this year.

Lauren’s gift  is almost finished! YAY.

I ordered materials from amazon and other stores.

It is a bit overwhelming, but I can do it.

There is one gift, {for Josh}

that I suspect will be in progress while in France.

But, that’s ok.

At least I have started planning.


Last evening, Larry and I babysat Matilda.

Lauren and Josh had a teachers meeting.

We arrived and Matilda ran out to the car,

hugging us hello.

She is brave, beautiful and quite brilliant.

She ran to the porch and picked a flower, handing it to me.

She made my day.

I wore the flowers in my hair

and as the evening progressed, I took them out and took this photo.

Simple moments of pure beauty,

I hope  they will live in my heart forever.

Love you.
